TS590SG / PA.
Force12 C3 / 40m dipole @ 20m.
This is my very casual/lazy report.
I would call myself more a participant than competitor.
Besides, my desire now to sit through a 45 hour fone fest has dwindled.
Casual as in,
I already had plans for both the Saturday and the Sunday afternoons so I got on as and when.
Lazy as in,
I dropped any strat and score maxing. Sat down and ran and had some fun. When it ceased to be this I got up and did something else.
Pretty simple. No overnight. Normal sleep. Normal day.
160/80m antenna is down again. So nothing for there.
Barely any time on 40/20, 4ish hrs each?!. Bad timings for 3p openings on all bands. Probably too long on 10, but heyho.
200 best hour and a few in the 170's from 15m on Sunday, Some good hours from 10m too on Saturday.
For change of scenery I started on 40m Sunday morning 0900-1000. Called by a couple NA even at that time.
Had a table booked for Sunday lunch. Right upto leaving I had a super run going in the 150's, sprinkling of YB's inbetween the short hop, plus 3B8CW called in, then I think it was AB3CX called, very strong into the back of the antenna, suggesting maybe I should turn it around to NA ? By this time it was time to get up and get ready to go out, walking away from a terrific run.
One lamb dinner/a few pints/plus a nap later... I return and almost pick straight back up on 15m where I had left off with a 170 hour, and a couple of 150ish hours. 15m must have been outstanding Sunday afternoon.
In all it worked out a very enjoyable weekend, in and outside the shack.
Log says 21 hours op time but sure didn't feel that long.
Terrible score, but a great CQWW weekend.
Tim M0BEW.
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