Tuesday, 16 October 2018

80m DX with FT8 / Intresting Qso's M0BEW

80m DX with FT8 / Intresting Qso's M0BEW.

Been active a bit more on 80m recently with FT8.. It's incredible whats available.
In all fairness the signal levels, as you can see,  qsos would have certanly been possible via CW. However the nature of the FT8 window puts everyone together on the one frequency making things easier. This is a big, big plus for G at our SR as the band is quiet, the opposite is true at SR as most DX will be covered by Europe with a full window and a signal every 50hz most the time.
Ever now and again a gem will creep through. 

A61EK cq'ing away.

V31MA worked.

Qso with OY9JD.

A nice surprise cq'ing into a fading band around 90 mins past SS. Answer from AH7C.

Another here even later on. Call from XE1FAS.

As can see here, past 8am still working NA, and a qso with YV5JLO.

UN7LAP qso, early evening.

TA1EE qso.

Watching PSK reporter during early evening cq. Flagging into VK at 16:19!

Here's another surprise. Running Europe guys and see a cq from a VU come up on another DF.
Out the blue he calls me... Very difficult qso, with other signals overrunning his.
I was not sure we actually competed in the end...
Then a few mins later after a few more EU qsos I see him complet ewith me. FB.

Tim M0BEW.

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