Monday, 27 March 2017

W3LPL Antenna Farm & Open House

W3LPL Antenna Farm & Open House.

Frank Donovan, W3LPL, is a DX Contester's Contester within Ham Radio, a multi-multi Specialist with a vast and deep Professional Expertise in Systems Engineering. In this video W3LPL guides us through 2 previous published videos from his YouTube Channel: "The Antenna Farm" and an "Open House" he has hosted yearly for decades.
Special Thanks to Greg Ordy (Drone Operator/Videographer) - W8WWV on "W3LPL First Flyby" and Dean W Bush, Sr. (Videographer) - K3KHG on "Open House".

Many thanks to FairlawnARC for upload.

Tim M0BEW.  

Friday, 3 March 2017

2BSIQ Two Bands Synchronized Interleaved QSO’s

2BSIQ Two Bands Synchronized Interleaved QSO’s.

Jose Nunes, CT1BOH, explains the concept of operating two bands, using synchronized, interleaved QSO's.

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Tim - M0BEW.