Tuesday, 18 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Polarisation of 50MHz signals

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Polarisation of 50MHz signals.

At VHF we tend to assume that our signals arrive at the other end with more or less the same polarisation as they left with, whereas at HF it’s commonly believed that polarisation is effectively ‘scrambled’ as a signal goes through the ionosphere. But how many of us know what’s really happening to our signals, particularly at the ‘in between’ frequencies like 50MHz? Chris Deacon, G4IFX will introduce polarisation effects and why they are important, and will then describe early results from his ongoing research into the polarisation of real received signals at 50MHz.

Tim M0BEW.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - The Rise and Rise of 5.7GHz EME

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - The Rise and Rise of 5.7GHz EME.

Over the last five years there has been a steady increase in interest in 6cm EME operation such that in a contest weekend there are up to 40 stations active. Peter Blair, G3LTF covers the reasons for this growth and describe the equipment of some of the active stations. It will also cover ways of optimising and estimating system performance using sun and moon noise.

Tim M0BEW.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Being the DX, QRP

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Being the DX, QRP.

Dominic Baines, M1KTA looks at operating from various DX locations using QRP, the lessons learned and some hints.

Tim M0BEW.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Home design, construction and finishing

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Home design, construction and finishing.

Bob Burns, G3OOU shares his thoughts and experience in both "The Design Process" and "The Finishing Process" of home construction projects.

Tim M0BEW.

Friday, 7 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Diagnosing and Reporting RFI problems

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Diagnosing and Reporting RFI problems.

In this lecture John Rogers, M0JAV outlines the new EMC assisted diagnosis/reporting process and provides a summary of statistics on some of the then-recent investigations into solar PV, VDSL and LED Lighting. He also explains what is needed for Ofcom to consider investigating RFI cases. [In his lecture at the 2017 RSGB Convention John gave an update on the 2017 survey into VDSL interference, the results of which will be shared with Ofcom]

Tim M0BEW.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - IOTA, QSLing and the future

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - IOTA, QSLing and the future.

The team of G3KMA, VE3LYC and PA3EXX reported on progress in the first year of the new company running IOTA, provided an update on the current IOTA IT rewrite project that will introduce electronic QSO matching and ventured a few thoughts on the future direction of the programme.

Tim M0BEW.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Contesting from VY2ZM on Prince Edward Island

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Contesting from VY2ZM on Prince Edward Island.

Jeff Briggs, K1ZM , who lives with his wife, Miriam on Prince Edward Island is both a well-known contester and a lowband DXer with a special interest in 160m. He participates in most of the major contests each season.

Tim M0BEW.

Monday, 3 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - The story of SDR and FlexRadio

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - The story of SDR and FlexRadio.

As the founder of FlexRadio Systems in April 2003, Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR is responsible for the development and marketing of the industry’s first Software Defined Radio (SDR) products to the amateur radio market.

Tim M0BEW.

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - DX fun without spending loads of money!

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - DX fun without spending loads of money!.

RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF talks about some of his solo overseas trips as an economy class DXer.

Tim M0BEW.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Moving up to 1.3GHz

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - Moving up to 1.3GHz.

John Worsnop, G4BAO takes a look at moving up to 1296MHz with a VHF DXers' guide to the first band above a GHz. What's the same, what's different, what you are likely to work, System Engineering above a GHz - what matters.

Tim M0BEW.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - New world of amateur satellites

RSGB Convention lecture 2016 - New world of amateur satellites.

Graham Shirville, G3VZV gives a brief history of amateur satellites, looks at current activity and then considers what lies ahead.

Tim M0BEW.