Thursday, 17 December 2015

RSGB Convention lecture 2015 - What makes the pings go ping

RSGB Convention lecture 2015 - What makes the pings go ping.

Dr John C Worsnop, G4BAO gives his audience a deeper understanding of meteor scatter, including the myths and system issues involved.
The video is copyright RSGB and the PowerPoint slides and presentation are reproduced by kind permission of John Worsnop who retains copyright of the material.

Tim M0BEW.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

RSGB Convention lecture 2015 - Clean up your shack

RSGB Convention lecture 2015 - Clean up your shack.

 Ian White, GM3SEK gives helpful advice about how to reduce noise levels on receive and avoid causing RF Interference.
The video is copyright RSGB and the PowerPoint slides and presentation are reproduced by kind permission of Ian White who retains copyright of the material.

Tim M0BEW.